Real Estate Talk

What's going on in this market?

February 7th, 2010 12:21 PM by Edgar Carroll Jr


What's going on in this market? That is the question I hear a lot. I can start writing about what's in the newspapers or on TV but what good would that do. We all hear the news, or we should. Being a fulltime agent in the South Bay puts me in my own open houses, brokers open houses (previewing properties that are a couple days before a public open house), on the phone with future buyers and sellers, in company meetings, talking with other agents and brokers, all which produce my own take on the market.

As a lifetime resident of the South Bay since 1957 I have witnessed a lot of changes. One thing I know for certain, no matter how bad a real estate market has ever gotten in this area it has recovered. My father loved real estate and was an agent in the South Bay. Now that I am at the age to look back on his predictions about Southern California Real Estate, I respect his beliefs with tremendous admiration, God bless his resting soul. Going forward, every time the real estate market recovers the buyers sitting on the sidelines are saying "I could of, should of, would of", if I was better informed or had someone to tell me to get in before prices went up, then I would of been ok. Well, I am here to tell you I don't have a crystal ball or some mathematical charts that will give everyone the answer. What I do have is my experience, my eyes, a stomach that has feelings for what I observe. I care about my important past buyers and sellers, future buyers and sellers, and investors who are my clients and friends. From all of this and the research I do it allows me to add my two cents.  

In this market the people I have had the privilege to work with are smart, they have been waiting for a market like this to find that right home at a price that has not been available for some time. They also obtained a low interest rate on their loan. They know even if this specific market has a slight decrease, they found a home that makes them happy to live in, in an area that has good location. There attitude is, so what if it goes down a little bit, it's only on paper. They have the mentality that has always made people money that have owned in the South Bay. They know when the market takes off the little bit of a decrease they may, and I say may, have experienced after they bought their home will not matter at all when they look back on their appreciation years later. Smart home purchasers and investors know what I'm talking about here. When an investor purchases a property he/she has a vision based on the resilience of South Bay properties. The South Bay is a special place for those that cut out a slice for themselves. Get in when you can and hold on for the eventual ride. It will come, and it will make people rich enough to move to another area when the time is right to retire. That is, if you want to leave?

If one wants a piece of South Bay Real Estate you need to be aggressive to pick up the property others also want. Informed buyers and sellers need constant, consistent information and direction to protect their efforts in this real estate market. 

It has been an honor and privilege to serve my clients and their families. I look forward to our days, months, and years ahead in our resilient communities of the South Bay. Take care, Ed  

Posted in:General
Posted by Edgar Carroll Jr on February 7th, 2010 12:21 PM



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